Being a lady in production today. A conversation with women in production.

August 18, 2021

9pm-11pm eastern

After the kids are in bed.

This is a Google Meet call with everyone participating. Usually 5-20 people in the industry that are working professionally in production or design show up. (My peers)

A real thing with real people in production. Iā€™m inviting women in production and men who like to talk about women in production.

Literally inviting my friends here to come. Thatā€™s why youā€™re reading this.

Iā€™ll lead a discussion and cover things like:

What does the landscape of women in production really look like today.

Whatā€™s the feedback?

How can we do better?

How are we already doing great?

Itā€™s not all doom and gloom.šŸ˜

Join me in this round table discussion on what itā€™s really like to be a woman in production.

Itā€™s on meet. Iā€™ll send you the link.

If we donā€™t know each other, an intro would be cool. Who are you and why do you want to come?